Category Archives: Personal

D Day

Today is D Day.  Or the big DUE DATE.  Our son was due to meet the world today.  Technically, he still has 6 hours to meet  his deadline, but I think he’s planning on chillin’ for the rest of the night.  It’s hard to believe the day is already here, when I feel like we just celebrated the news a couple months ago.  I remember shooting those weddings during my first trimester, when we hadn’t yet shared with anyone.  During Amanda and Dave’s wedding (photo below), I was 12 weeks pregnant and on the cusp of not being able to button my pants anymore.  And I felt like people knew!  Surely they could see the pouch forming on my belly!

Now I look at that picture and laugh.  Because at 34 weeks pregnant, I looked like this!

I’m thankful that I’ve had a great pregnancy, and so very thankful that it didn’t affect those long wedding days.  And I love that my clients maintained their faith and trust in me to capture their big day, and not only that but they also celebrated with me.  Their sweet gifts, words of encouragement, and rejoicing meant the world to me.

So now we are filled with anticipation and excitement for our big day, ready to welcome our sweet baby boy into this world!  Can’t wait!

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