Enchanted Atelier: Sneak Peek

She asked if I do family photos too.  I said I tried it a couple of times, but it just wasn’t really “my thing.”  I asked if she ever shoots weddings, she said she’s done a few, but it isn’t really “her thing.”  We chatted for a few minutes about how we each seem to fall into one area or another in photography.

Yesterday Chris and I, as well as his side of the family, had our yearly family photos taken by Wendy of Blue Lily Photography.  It’s such a different pace than a wedding day.  I would almost think that I’d like it better, being that it’s less stressful than having only one chance to capture once-in-a-lifetime moments.  But as Wendy and I talked, I explained that what I love about weddings is how beautiful everything is – from the bride and groom dressed up and so in love and happy, to all the details that make a couple’s day unique.

It was a fun session and I always enjoy watching other photographers at work.  It’s clear that Wendy is great at what she does and loves traveling with her family to photograph other families around the country.

And speaking of traveling (lame segue, I know…), I’m so excited to be headed to NYC this Sunday for Bridal Market!  I’ll be joining Liv of Enchanted Atelier (I’m searching high and low for a reason to wear one of her fabulous pieces) and Aruna Seth (a pair of butterfly heels?  yes please!) in their suite as they take appointments with buyers and press for their upcoming collections.

Here is a sneak peek of the photo shoot I did with Liv a few weeks ago.  I can’t wait to share more images after Market!

Grace Pennington - Oh my goodness, this is definitely my new fav of your Enchanted Atelier work! I LOVE it!!

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