Category Archives: Personal

First Father’s Day

He is my rock, my shoulder to lean on, my sympathetic ear.  He is my encourager, my biggest cheerleader, my best friend.  He is my husband.  He is a daddy.

He packed the remaining items on my list when I called telling him I was headed to the hospital to have the baby.  He listened intently as I explained through tears that my obstetrician advised me not to go home first – not even to get him so that we could check into the hospital together.  When the night turned into a long one, he graciously gave up the only comfortable chair in the delivery room to my doula.  He prayed for me.  He prayed for our baby.  And when complications arose during pushing, necessitating that I be taken in for a c-section, he was there every step of the way.  When he held our son for the first time, tears of joy rolled down his cheeks, and in that single moment I have never loved him more.  By the end of surgery the anesthesia wasn’t as strong as it was supposed to be, and I could feel much more than I should have.  The cold liquid snaked through the catheter along my back as the anesthesiologist urgently pushed more anesthetic through, but it was too late to be effective; Chris held steadfast as I clenched his hand in pain while my incision was being stitched up.

When we finally returned home from the hospital, he took care of everything. Of me, the baby, and the house.  He made breakfast, lunch and dinner as I recovered from surgery.  He changed diapers and shared middle-of-the-night feedings so I could get some rest.  He supported me not only physically but also emotionally.

And even now, as we’re all settled into life as a family, Chris is ready to take care of every need.  He stops for groceries on the way home, helps with the house work, and takes over caring for our son in the evening so I can work on my business.  He entertains Landon and makes goofy faces to solicit precious giggles.  He reads to him and bathes him and encourages him during tummy time.  And somehow in the midst of doing it all, he also makes me feel needed, appreciated and loved.

We are blessed as a family. I am blessed as a wife. Landon is blessed as a son.

Happy Father’s Day to the most wonderful man I know!


maria - goosebumps. sweetest post ever.

ali anderson - YOU. you beautiful thing. just when you thought your heart was at max capacity, you see your husband become a father and you realize the human heart could never be a pie graph. thanks for sharing your story!

Alowetta Terrien - Laurie,
That was a beautiful story! Thanks so much for sharing it!

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